Behind every news story is a savvy production team.
The Atlantic DOT at Gannett has formed a union.
We are the Digital Optimization Team (DOT) for Gannett’s news properties in the Atlantic region. Our team of 21 producers collectively manages 37 websites across New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland.
If you’ve found a story, gallery or video by a Gannett journalist online, it’s likely been touched by a producer. In fact, we’re likely the reason you found it.
We manage the social pages you follow, send the alerts to your phone and email, set stories on homepages, help search engines connect you with our stories and ensure however you find us, your experience is the best it can be.
We do our best work in the background, but now we’re asking to be heard.
Our Mission
Digital producers for Gannett news sites across the Atlantic region have formed a union with the NewsGuild of New York to address issues that affect us all: We feel unheard, overworked and undervalued.
Many of us were “invited” to reapply for jobs amid a pandemic, furloughs and layoffs as the company restructured its digital production into the Atlantic Digital Optimization Team (DOT). This sudden restructuring, which meant compounded responsibilities and an overall increase in workload, did not come with a commensurate increase in pay or job security, leaving us uncertain about our jobs and our future with the company. We have voiced our concerns and made suggestions to management, but they have gone unacknowledged. We are forming a union to advocate for fairness, equity, transparency and job protections, and to build a more stable future for ourselves and our profession.
By recognizing our union now and beginning negotiations in good faith, Gannett can demonstrate that it respects us and we can create an example for digital operations company-wide.
Signed the members of the Atlantic DOT Guild:
Melanie Balakit
Joseph Jacquez
Jessica Limonchi
Brian Marron
Ryan Miller
Sharon Rhodes
Nick Siano
Bill Wolcott
Maria Birnell
Lanette Espy
Jai-Leen James
Elizabeth Lombardi
Jack McLoone
Paula Ramirez
Hartriono B. Sastrowardoyo
Adrian Szkolar